Lot 102
Jaroslav Veris Zamazal (1900 - 1983) NUDE WITH A FAN

73,5 x 61 cm (h x b)

120 000 CZK
   |   5 000 EUR
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120 000 CZK
   |   5 000 EUR
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His own name was Jaroslav Zamazal, a student of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and professors Jan Preisler, Vratislav Nechleba and Karel Krattner. In 1925 he became a correspondent for Český slovo and regularly sent feuilletons from France accompanied by his own illustrations to the German newspaper Prager Presse. In his extensive work, the author developed his own pictorial expression - from the classical painting of the old masters, neoclassicism, he moved on to cubism, surrealism and abstraction. He excelled in portraiture, figure painting, still life and landscape painting. Nude with Fan is a harmonious work that reflects the interwar tendencies of poetism and neoclassical forms, balancing between the many styles Jaroslav Veris managed to try out during his lifetime.