Lot 174
Peter Oriešek (1941 - 2015) MINOTAUR

Before 1975
58,5 cm (h)
signed on the plinth: PETER ORIEŠEK / MINOTAUR

Starting price
110 000 CZK
   |   4 583 €
Price realized
130 000 CZK
   |   5 417 €
price without premium

In 1995 he became a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and since 1999 also at the Academy of Arts and Crafts. Peter Oriešek was a member of the Association of Medal Artists, a founding member of the groups Tolerance and Lipany (1989), a member of the SVU Mánes (1991) and the civic association Figurama (2001). In the early 1970s, inspired by a trip to Greece, he focused on creating sculptural compositions that loosely refer to Minoan culture and the mythical Mínótauro. In his work, he combined human and animal figures that express emotion, fear or violence and are depicted in dynamic positions. Tension is also contained in the contrast of the realistic modelling of the figure in a tense pose, projecting mythological figures tormented by passions and visions of horror. Nutmeg's fantastical creatures point to the animal nature of man through metaphorical depictions.