An Evening Auction of exceptional works of fine art, antiques, and design was held on Thursday, November 30, 2017, at our Arthouse Hejtmánek gallery in Prague–Bubeneč.
The Evening Auction achieved total sales of CZK 51,688,160. In addition to several lots that were expected to receive high bids, there were several auction “surprises”. Exceptional lots, such as a Gothic Madonna by an unknown Austrian master (after 1500), Jan Jakub Hartmann’s painting Allegory of the Air, and two lots of Habán pottery, were successful at auction. In the furniture collection, a Biedermeier table and a Pavel Janák Cubist Chair fared particularly well.
The highest price at auction was realized by the Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky painting Storm at Sea, which fetched CZK 18.6 million. Our auction house also achieved a personal best when Josef Šíma’s painting Landscape beat our previous highest price realized for a Czech painting. Of the contemporary art on offer, Magdalena Jetelová’s painting Das Fenster and Jiří Sopko’s String Game were most successful. A bidding war broke out for Adolf Born’s The Pied Piper, with the auctioneer bringing down the hammer at CZK 248,000. (Prices listed with buyer’s premium.)
We would like to thank all those who attended the auction for the wonderful atmosphere, and of course everyone who took part in preparing today’s Evening Auction.