Lot 90
Josef Čapek (1887 - 1945) THREE CARICATURE DRAWINGS

29,5 x 21,5 cm (h x w)

Starting price
100 000 CZK
   |   4 000 €
Noble People. Signed lower right in pencil: Čapek. Inscription in pencil in upper section: Nóbl lidé ("Noble people") Čapek; under this, crossed out: Výkvět národa ("The cream of the nation"). Lower section: “Pane, ujišťuji vás, že jsme praví / gentlemani: nějaká ta stotisícová odměna za dobrou službičku / to je pro nás jakoby nic!” ("Sir, I assure you that we are true / gentlemen – a few hundred thousand as a reward for a good favor / that's almost nothing for us!"). Two Men, Black and White Figure. Drawing in pencil on reverse: Man with a Purse. Two Men, Two White Figures. Reverse: Čapek / “No, a udělali jste s tím dobrý obchod. / Panečku, a jaký! - Vždyť jsme všichni / kvůli tomu ve vyšetřování!” ("Well, you did some good business there. / I'll say, indeed! - Now we're all under investigation because of it!")

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