Lot 178
Josef Wagner (1901 - 1957) SAD SPRING

27 cm (h)

20 000 CZK
   |   800 EUR
Erzielter Preis
26 000 CZK
   |   1 040 EUR
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Josef Wagner studied with Jan Štursa and Josef Mařatka. Impressed by the danger looming in his homeland, Wagner created a series of figures alternating stone and wood: Art (1938), Sad Spring (1942), Oppression (1944), Laurel (1944), Melting (1944). The submitted work Sad Spring is a sketch of the statue, which is a Monument executed and tortured during the Second World War at the Strašnice Crematorium. In 1945, Josef Wagner was appointed professor at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, where he taught until 1957. In addition to sculpture, he also taught his students restoration methods.