Lot 196
Jiří Sozanský (1946) CORPUS

im Ausschnitt 136 x 96 cm (h x b)

14 000 CZK
   |   609 EUR
Erzielter Preis
19 000 CZK
   |   826 EUR
preis ohne Aufpreis

In his work, Jiří Sozanský focuses on people in borderline situations, he perceives urgency organically, he works with the naked human body without falsehood. With his entire artistic work, he was engaged against all forms of violence, willfulness and ideological dictates that trample on human rights and human dignity. He presented figures in the baroque typification, either in a passive or active role and attacking in a carefully framed space, which only limits them with a small field of action, for example in the Martyria cycle. The liminal situations that we see as a kind of fun and suspense due to the film industry's dampening of emotional response can actually be marked by real cruelty.