Lot 05
Jan František Beckovský (1658 - 1725) CZECH CHRONICLE

32 x 21 x 9 cm (h x b x t)

15 000 CZK
   |   612 EUR
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40 000 CZK
   |   1 633 EUR
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Title: Messenger of the Old Stories of the Czechs or Chronicle of the Czechs. Title page in two colors, copper engravings and woodcuts in the text. Copperplate oval portraits of monarchs are framed by woodcut borders. The historian of Ordo militaris crucigeorum, Jan František Beckovský (1658-1725), basically updated and supplemented Hájek's old chronicle. In this part, published in 1700, it occurred until the fall of the Jagiellonians in 1526, the second volume remained in the manuscript and was published only by A. Rezek in the years 1879-1880, it goes to 1718. The text itself has the character of a folk chronicler's narrative and was widely accepted and popular at the time.