Lot 102
Adolf Hoffmeister (1902 - 1973) THE DAILY ASCENSION OF JAN ZRZAVÝ

40,5 x 31,5 cm (h x b)

45 000 CZK
   |   1 875 EUR
Erzielter Preis
55 000 CZK
   |   2 292 EUR
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Adolf Hoffmeister was a Czech writer, publicist, playwright, painter, cartoonist, translator, diplomat, lawyer and traveller. He was active in cultural life from the early 1920s as an illustrator and poet, among other things he became a founding member of Devětsil, a collaborator of the Liberated Theatre and later of the E. F. Burian Theatre, and for a time (1930-32) he worked as an editor of Lidové noviny. The present caricature drawing was made for Rozpravy Aventina V, 17 October 1929, České podoby IV. and, like other works by Hoffmeister, it stands out for its timelessness even a hundred years after its creation. Framed under anti-reflective glass with UV filter.

Published: Srp, K.: Adolf Hoffmeister. Gallery, České Budějovice, 2004. p. 85